
For those of you who haven’t picked up on this yet, I’m a technician.  I’m a geek.  There’s a ton of ways to skin a cat, and I’m bound and determined to find at least fifty separate ones per month.  Usually I’m looking for the fastest way to do the most with the least amount of work.  It’s why I try to do everything from my Samsung Fascinate (and previously, my phone-less iPhone 2G).  It’s why I bothered to try to open the soap dispenser and wound up finding out it can be refilled and reused (and saved myself a boatload of money on refill packs).  It’s why I know every single route and path to and from Newark Beth Israel Medical Center – I spent the past two months trying to find quicker, traffic-less paths to and from the hospital (btw, at least from Kearny: Rt 7 to 1 & 9, Pulaski Skyway to 78, Hillside/Irvington exit – 20 minutes start to finish).

Sometimes, simplicity is the answer.  Sometimes it’s better to just use the manufacturer’s remote, instead of pulling it up on my phone.  Sometimes it’s better to just use the pump dispenser (saves batteries too).  Sometimes it’s best to take the route that isn’t likely to collapse due to deterioration in the very near future (the Skyway is also cramped, outdated and freaks out Wifey to no end).

A pack-and-play that’s just a crib, instead of having two separate tables built in and all the storage in the world.  A stroller that’s just a stroller, or a car seat that’s just a car seat.  Things don’t have to do much in order to help you.  They just have to do what they were made for.

Sometimes, hacks aren’t necessary.  And that’s fantastic.  =)

1 thought on “Simplicity

  1. “There’s a ton of ways to skin a cat, and I’m bound and determined to find at least fifty separate ones per month”… and the Pathmark Security System is worried about me?? Haha.

This is where you say.. something...?